Potential Products Summary Table

Research ApproachProduct CategoryProductFinal Product(s)Research MethodsNotes
Self-help research

Advice for Group Organizers

Career Events

1-on-1s, Targeted Workshops by subgroup, Improving how to do your own career research

Self-help research

Advice for Group Organizers


Building/ Expanding/Using Networks

Best ways to help networking within the community - i.e. creating directories, subgroups, having how-to events on networking Expanding EA networks outside of EA Creating relationships with people working at promising local organisations

Self-help research

Advice for Group Organizers, Resource Creation

Partnering with Career Centers

Cold-calling emails, best practices and tips, introducing 80K resources. Active monitoring + encouragement

Getting local and national groups to build strong relationships with university career centers and provide free coaching and other services to interested students. Combination of headhunting and movement building. Hopefully career centers are incentivised to pawn off students to these groups for 1-1s etc.

Possible downsides: 80K’s career guide, arguably the best sell for this advice, is out of date and they aren’t going to update. It’s also location-specific

Process-oriented research

Guides and Resources

Industry/Field/Career Profiles

Regional versions of existing 80K profiles and articles.

Regional, or for understudied topics that certain localities have a comparative advantage in. See Lauro Langosco’s AI Policy Careers in the EU.

Process-oriented research

Guides and Resources

Industry/Field/Career Wiki

Crowd- sourced semi-public Careers Wiki. More like annotated bibliography than guide.

This is related to Improving how to do your own career research above.

Job/Org Research

Semi-public Job/Organization boards

Crowd- sourced job board database

Crowd- sourced job board database

For more details, see the full proposal

Job/Org Research

Semi-public Job/Organization boards

Regional/local curated job boards

Regional/local curated job boards, Lists of curated organisations, updating the eawork.club with new organisations

Talent Sourcing

Isn’t neglected so we haven’t looked closely into this.